Three steps to making learning in organisations more social, experiential and thus effective, from @larshyland

Just the highlights and headlines below – click through for the full story Clipped from This experiential divide is beginning to create real tensions, as employees look for and find ways to circumvent sanctioned communication channels. Many of these are social tools (such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) and the very fact that these are … Continue reading

One more intro to Communities of Practice & learning therein (3/3)

This introduction is a little heavier on the terminology, but includes a good video and a useful table (which Amplify won’t reliably paste for me) Clipped from Communities of Practice The idea of communities of practice (CoP) is that learning occurs in social contexts that emerge and evolve when people who have common goals … Continue reading

Situated learning and communities of practice (post 2 of mini-series 3): concise and clear summary/intro

Thanks to @TonyHall for passing this on. Clipped from the social/situational orientation to learning It is not so much that learners acquire structures or models to understand the world, but they participate in frameworks that that have structure. Learning involves participation in a community of practice. Attending to a behaviour; remembering it as a … Continue reading

Does University of the People’s free model rely on #OER & gifted time from retired profs & librarians?

It’s quite difficult to work out from the website quite what the foundation of the model is, but Open Educational Resources and gifted time seems to be part of the mix. This would be a really interesting case of the disruptive potential of OERs. Clipped from ABOUT US AND HOW TO GET TUITION-FREE ONLINE … Continue reading

Doug Gowan on how to help organisations become self-reliant in organising their learning, London, 29 Sept

Really looking forward to this discussion! Clipped from Doug Gowan runs Open Learning Partnership, a small charity that provides learning services to public and third sector organisations, such as the TUC and the NHS. We will be asking Doug how to help organisations become self-reliant in organising their learning what we can learn from … Continue reading

Neat idea: lets you make a $25 student loan to individuals in developing world

As they say, “This is a natural expansion of our mission to help alleviate poverty through lending, and it’s just the first step. In the coming months, we’ll be expanding beyond the current three countries and into markets where student lending doesn’t even exist… see just how much of an impact $25 can have.” Clipped … Continue reading

Innovating in Education, Educating for Innovation: presentation slides on disruptive and incremental innovation


Open educational resources, creative commons and efficiency in learning

Includes some case studies which claim efficiency savings – though they’re mostly “in principle” savings in certain parts of the process than hard, “in practice” figures that cover the whole life cycle. Clipped from Do Open Educational Resources Increase Efficiency? One of the questions people often ask about Open Educational Resources is “do they really … Continue reading

Alistair Fitchett (@unpopular) on the challenges of achieving radical, far reaching change in schools

Also an interesting perspective on the government’s Free Schools initiative and the risk that ‘take up’ will come not from those committed to transforming teaching and learning (can we still call them ‘progressives’? probably not) but from private and niche interest groups. Clipped from It is the thesis of this book that change—constant, accelerating, … Continue reading

Being challenged to ask good questions stimulates new learning – 3 min video of @jobsworth on teaching & learning

Hat-tip to Seb Schmoller for sharing the link. Clipped from The other key things that stood out were that learning is about asking questions rather than answering them.  If we’re still asking questions then we’re still learning, we mustn’t stifle our desire to learn.  He also highlights the importance of sharing and feedback, the … Continue reading